Nizhat Al- ʾAfkār Fī Maʿrifat ʾAḥwāl Al- ʾAsʿār. Yūsuf Bin Ṭōġān Al- Mīqātī


  • Prof. Dr. Zaman Obaid Wanna College of Education for Human Science / University of Kerbalaʿ
  • Prof. Dr. 'Ammar Mohammed Younis University of Kerbalaʿ / College of Education for Human Science

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Nizhat Al- ʾAfkār، Yūsuf Bin Ṭōġān Al- Mīqātī


An Introduction.

 Astrology and astronomy could be considered as a part of the science that gained much interest from the Middle Ages until the recent times. The Arabs were one of the past nations that could master this kind of scholarship. There were many Arab personalities who played a great role in the astrology as well as in Al- ʾIḫtyār the planets logy which basically deals with the positions and orbits of the planets and their relationships with moment of the human’s birth. So, this manuscript, our theme of study, is specialized in the planets logy. It searches in the time and place of the good and evil, and the critical periods, during which there must be precaution in case of starting some projects. In addition, it sheds lights on some of the optimistic times for initiating promising works. The codex also refers to the time that have a mixture of goodness and evil in accordance with signs of the zodiacs of the sun and moon. This can be achieved through either the four or the sixth signs of the zodiac of the sun in sky or the same monthly signs of the moon. Consequently, the success of the pre- planned schemes might be conjectured.


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